Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Approach

One of the most challenging aspects of teaching riding is in the introduction of a subject. If I only cared about the mechanics of riding there would be no problem. Because my goals are always beyond the mechanics, I have to carefully set the stage for these goals so the object is not missed. I'll use whatever resources I can or need to create a vision for the rider of where we are going with a subject. Imagery, comparisons, targeted exercises and even stories can achieve this. Another resource is through questions for the rider, not all of which need to be answered right away. Education is from the Latin 'educo' which means 'to lead out'. My job as a teacher is to lead out of my students what is already part of them. It starts them thinking more on their own and this thinking produces feelings which which will develop their riding.
Education is the same for the horse. We don't 'put the moves' on him or really teach him anything. Instead, we lead out of him what he already knows how to do! Approaching the riding this way is better for reaching the goals I have in mind.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Margaret,
    This is GOOD:)My favorite thing is that you stress how important ENERGY is. I think it is a powreful thing.
    Thanks for letting Hanna and me be a part of your day the other day,
